public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Monique with tags webdesign & [en]

March 2011

Make your images accessible | Yahoo! Accessibility Library

Images make web pages interesting. So let’s make them useful for everyone, not just those that can see them.

February 2011

Styling form controls with CSS, revisited | 456 Berea Street

by 14 others

The screenshots are taken from 8 browsers on 4 operating systems, for a total of 14 different browser + OS combinations.

5 tips for effortless layouts – Humanising Technology Blog

these guidelines will help you to use proximity to maximise the intuitiveness of your designs

The Rising Importance of Flexible Web Layouts | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch

In this article, we'll discuss the basic pros and cons of each type of layout, and why flexible layouts, despite past drawbacks, will be gaining a competitive edge in the next several years over the once popular fixed-width choice.

Five kinds of 'alt' text

What’s less commonly known is that there are five different classes of image used on web pages and each of those images requires a different approach to writing the ‘alt’ attribute.

January 2011

VagrantRadio - Simple Download Buttons (HTML & CSS)

HTML and CSS version of Simple Web Buttons by Orman Clark. Free to use

December 2010

HTML5 and CSS3 Without Guilt | Nettuts+

by 1 other

Not every HTML5 or CSS3 feature has widespread browser support, naturally. To compensate for this, enterprising developers have created a number of tools to let you use these technologies today, without leaving behind users who still live in the stone age.

Universal Design, Usability, and Accessibility - ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Colleges should rethink their approach to designing online environments and digital tools in order to better meet the needs of all of their users, not just those with disabilities

Cognitive Accessibility Online | Yahoo! Accessibility

There are a number of reasons why cognitive accessibility is not taken into account when designing websites. Accessibility for users with cognitive disabilities can be a far greater challenge than for those with other types of disabilities.

7 Tips and Techniques For Multi-lingual Website Accessibility – Humanising Technology Blog

Sorting out domain names, web server configuration, URL structure, page layout and the translation of content are likely to be high on your ‘to do’ list. With all that keeping you busy, meeting the accessibility requirements for your website may slip to the bottom of the pile.

Accessibility First—for a Better User Experience for All :: UXmatters

designing for mobile before designing a Web application for a desktop browser

Guide to Semantic Use of HTML Elements | Joe Dolson Accessible Web Design

This guide only deals with elements which have a specific, human-readable meaning.

ginger's thoughts » Accessibility to Web video for the Vision-Impaired

How to increase the amount of video descriptions - HTML5 specifications for video descriptions

November 2010

The 30 CSS Selectors you Must Memorize | Nettuts+

by 3 others
So you learned the base id, class, and descendant selectors – and then called it a day? If so, you’re missing out on an enormous level of flexibility. While many of the selectors mentioned in this article are part of the CSS3 spec, and are, consequently, only available in modern browsers, you owe it to yourself to commit these to memory.

The Paciello Group Blog » Using the HTML title attribute

The HTML title attribute is problematic. It is problematic because it is not well supported in some crucial respects, even though it has been with us for over 13 years.

Photos as Web Content (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)

by 1 other
Users pay close attention to photos and other images that contain relevant information but ignore fluffy pictures used to "jazz up" Web pages.

October 2010

Checking colour contrast – Humanising Technology

When people talk about colour contrast on the web, they’re usually thinking in terms of text and information rich images. Most people won’t care what colours you’ve used for your decorative swooshes. If they can’t read the information you’ve put on your website though, they’re likely to be quite unhappy about it.

End hover abuse now : Cennydd Bowles on user experience

Designers who pop up information panels or move page elements on hover are using flawed logic, second-guessing what users want to do before they do it.

We Haven’t Forgotten About Accessibility, Have We? - Monday By Noon

After all, the accessible nature of Web standards was a good argument to those that didn’t stand behind standards, right? Lately I’ve been fearing that we may have in part lost sight of how truly important accessibility is.

Wealthfront Engineering: jQuery the Right Way

jQuery has changed the way we write Javascript by abstracting out much of the painful cross-browser implementation details that used to plague developers, but to use it correctly still requires a little knowledge about what’s going on under the hood.

@font-face gotchas « Paul Irish

"Over the past few months, I've collected a few worthwhile notes on @font-face that are worth reading over if you geek out about this stuff…"

What Is User Experience Design? Overview, Tools And Resources - Smashing Magazine

by 1 other
Websites and Web applications have become progressively more complex as our industry’s technologies and methodologies advance. What used to be a one-way static medium has evolved into a very rich and interactive experience.

HTML5 video player

by 1 other
We are trying to help you decide which HTML5 video-based player to choose for your web project.

Javascript Accessibility Guidelines — Hall of Bright Carvings

Purpose: The nature of the internet is that not everyone will receive JavaScript in the way intended. Therefore JavaScript should be applied in a way that enhances the page, rather than requiring it.

Accessibility Principles for the Modern Designer :Speckyboy Design Magazine

As web designers we must constantly criticize and re-evaluate our own digital works. Many rework changes into website aesthetics or graphics, maybe an updated site logo or sidebar. Ultimately where we should be focusing towards is user experience and accessibility.