March 2011
Make your images accessible | Yahoo! Accessibility Library
Images make web pages interesting. So let’s make them useful for everyone, not just those that can see them.
February 2011
Styling form controls with CSS, revisited | 456 Berea Street
by 14 othersThe screenshots are taken from 8 browsers on 4 operating systems, for a total of 14 different browser + OS combinations.
5 tips for effortless layouts – Humanising Technology Blog
these guidelines will help you to use proximity to maximise the intuitiveness of your designs
The Rising Importance of Flexible Web Layouts | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch
In this article, we'll discuss the basic pros and cons of each type of layout, and why flexible layouts, despite past drawbacks, will be gaining a competitive edge in the next several years over the once popular fixed-width choice.
Five kinds of 'alt' text
What’s less commonly known is that there are five different classes of image used on web pages and each of those images requires a different approach to writing the ‘alt’ attribute.
January 2011
VagrantRadio - Simple Download Buttons (HTML & CSS)
HTML and CSS version of Simple Web Buttons by Orman Clark. Free to use
December 2010
HTML5 and CSS3 Without Guilt | Nettuts+
by 1 otherNot every HTML5 or CSS3 feature has widespread browser support, naturally. To compensate for this, enterprising developers have created a number of tools to let you use these technologies today, without leaving behind users who still live in the stone age.
Universal Design, Usability, and Accessibility - ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Colleges should rethink their approach to designing online environments and digital tools in order to better meet the needs of all of their users, not just those with disabilities
Cognitive Accessibility Online | Yahoo! Accessibility
There are a number of reasons why cognitive accessibility is not taken into account when designing websites. Accessibility for users with cognitive disabilities can be a far greater challenge than for those with other types of disabilities.
7 Tips and Techniques For Multi-lingual Website Accessibility – Humanising Technology Blog
Sorting out domain names, web server configuration, URL structure, page layout and the translation of content are likely to be high on your ‘to do’ list. With all that keeping you busy, meeting the accessibility requirements for your website may slip to the bottom of the pile.
Accessibility First—for a Better User Experience for All :: UXmatters
designing for mobile before designing a Web application for a desktop browser
Guide to Semantic Use of HTML Elements | Joe Dolson Accessible Web Design
This guide only deals with elements which have a specific, human-readable meaning.